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Blog: Dear Prime Minister

On July 30 2016 I started writing letters to the Prime Minister of Australia to protest against the imprisonment and torture of the asylum seekers in the offshore detention centres of Manus Island and Nauru. I started with the intention of writing a letter a day for every person in detention until they are all freed. There are more than 1800 asylum seekers in off shore detention. These are those letters and any response from Mr Turnbull.

Imran Mohammad is illegally detained on Manus Island

Dear Prime Minister,

Honi Soit, the weekly newspaper of The University of Sydney will publish a series of articles by Imran Mohammad, a Rohingya refugee, currently detained by Australia in Manus Regional Processing Centre. In the first article, Imran introduces himself. This is what he writes about being forcibly and indefinitely detained on Manus Island:

I was upset that I was moved here against my will, but what has really broken my heart is the knowledge that the detention centre was intentionally built to make refugees and asylum seekers suffer. It would take me decades to explain how we have been soaked in the rain and heated in the burning sun at Australia’s hands. Despite being a country that holds its head high with great pride in preserving human lives, I was almost killed at their hands during the riot in our camp in 2014.

I have committed no crime, however myself and hundreds of men have been imprisoned for almost four years and still have no clear view of our future. I would rather be in a prison cell than in this inhumane setting, as at least I would know the date of my release.
— Imran Mohammad,

Imran turns 23 in 3 days time. He fled Burma when he was 16. What were you doing in the seven glorious years between 16 and 23, Prime Minister? Did you know, even then, that you would have people tortured and killed to achieve your goals? What we are doing to the people on Manus and Nauru is personal. You have the power to change the policy. Close the camps and bring them here.