Ruth Halbert

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For the 194th man on Manus Island.

Dear Prime Minister,

Act urgently to save the life of Iranian cartoonist, 25-year-old Ali, whose pen-name is Mr Eaten Fish. We have had him imprisoned on Manus Island for nearly four years. He suffers from severe mental illness and has not eaten for more than a week. Behrouz Boochani reports that Ali is close to death.

What were you doing, Mr Turnbull, between the ages of 21 and 25? What was your son doing? What do you hope your grandchildren will do at that age? Australia's offshore detention is not just another one of your political tools that you and your fellow parliamentarians can play with in your own pursuits of power. You are inflicting pain, torture and death on real people with real lives who have rights as human beings to live their own lives free from such terror. Like you did. And your son did. But your grandchildren may not be able to, because you are part of the system that makes Australia a place of torture and pain, arbitrarily inflicted. You will not be able to control the consequences and they may eventually strike close to home.