Ruth Halbert

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Untreated head injury

Dear Prime Minister,

In November, Abu Bakar, a 28 year old Rohingyan refugee on Nauru was driven into by a 4-wheel drive while riding a motorbike. His injuries were so bad he was kept in hospital for a month. Medical staff recommended he be moved to Australia for specialist care. Since leaving hospital his condition has worsened. He cannot walk properly, can't use his right arm or open his right eye. The only treatment he gets is Panadol. His symptoms indicate a possible brain clot and he needs to be seen by a neurosurgeon immediately. When ABC AM program contacted ABF for comment the standard lie, that medical care is delivered appropriately as indicated and that no comment will be made on individual cases, was issued.

I am afraid when I write a letter like this. I am afraid that mentioning a specific refugee while trying to get assistance for them (in this case to prevent their death or permanent disability) will lead to ABF inflicting further suffering on that refugee so as to shut up protests and calls for humanity and justice. When I started writing these letters to you, Prime Minister, I thought that Australia was a functional democracy. I know now that it is not. Despite the futility of writing to your corrupted office I will continue to do so to have it on the record that the actions of you and your Government are seen, are protested, and are condemned. I am doing what I can for Abu Bakar. It may not help him. But it will condemn you.