Ruth Halbert

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On behalf of the 550th man on Manus

Dear Prime Minister,

Over the last few days, shocking images of a man tied to a bed have been posted on social media. Today RadioNZ reports that the man, who has been detained by Australia on Manus Island since 2013, is on a hunger strike in protest against medical neglect. He is restrained in a Port Moresby hospital because staff, who do not have the resources to treat his diabetes and hypertension, have obtained a court order to force-feed and medicate him. They have slapped him during the forced feeding sessions.

Amnesty International's Kate Schuetze condemns Australia for its cruel policies of punishment and warns that 'it's only a matter of time before it's going to jeopardise someone's right to life.'

Do you care, Prime Minister, about a person's right to life? Since 2013, 11 refugees have died on Manus and Nauru. In your worldview are some people dispensable? How many? Under what circumstances?